The Importance of Geotextiles for Construction Engineering

2023/06/08 13:57

                                                            The Importance of Geotextiles for Construction Engineering

Geotextiles play an important role in construction engineering, mainly in the following aspects:

1.Protective function: Geotextiles can be used to protect the contact between soil and structures, prevent soil erosion and structure settlement. It can also be used to separate different types of soil and prevent interaction between different soil layers.

2.Screening and filtering function: Geotextiles can be used to filter particles and stains in the soil to ensure that the particles will not be discharged when water passes through; at the same time, it can also be used for drainage to speed up the drainage of foundations or terraces.

3.Reinforcement function: Geotextiles can be used to reinforce soil and enhance its bearing capacity and stability. It can also be used to strengthen roadbeds and road surfaces, protect river banks and sea walls.

4.Environmental protection function: Geotextiles have a wide range of materials to choose from, and you can choose recyclable or composite environmental protection materials to reduce environmental pollution and energy consumption.

Therefore, geotextiles are widely used in various construction projects, such as domestic highways, bridges, housing construction, water conservancy projects, waterway port projects and other fields.

The Importance of Geotextiles for Construction EngineeringThe Importance of Geotextiles for Construction Engineering